Like so many, I feel saddened (and horrified) at some of the events happening in our world. And I worry about the children growing up in this world. Are they being given the moral compass they need to be good, kind, loving people?
Character education could be called one of my causes. I think it’s always been essential … and is today more than ever. Children need role models of high moral character around them, and they need to hear the importance of being people of good character over and over and over again.
With children, I like to read character education books, sing positive songs, do volunteer work, do character education activities, talk about character, and encourage them to practice good character whenever possible.
Equality and peace aren’t simply about equality and peace. They’re also about respect, fairness, kindness, compassion, anti-bullying, and friendship. They’re about treating others as we would like to be treated (the age-old golden rule).
Equality and Peace Resources for Parents and Teachers
I’ve spent a number of years gathering together character education resources. As homeschoolers, our unit studies were based on character traits. I’ve continued that emphasis with my granddaughter and plan to continue it with my grandchildren who aren’t born yet.
Following are some of the character education resources I’ve gathered that I love for helping children practice equality and peace.
Montessori Inspiration for Martin Luther King Day (appropriate any time)
Montessori-Inspired Respect for Diversity
Free Equality and Fairness Songs {Character Education Resources} – Equality is one of the Paralympic values.
“Let There Be Peace on Earth” Word Art Freebie + Peace Education Resources
Montessori Peace Lesson (Image from Montessori Opportunities)
Montessori Education Week Peace Lesson
Montessori-Inspired Peace Education Activities
Free Respect Songs and Rhymes {Character Education Resources} – Respect is one of the core Olympic values.
Free Bucket-Filling Videos for Character Education
20+ Free Character Education Printables
Do You Follow the Thumper Theory?
The Golden Rule for Back to School (plus word art freebie)
Free Kindness Songs and Rhymes for Home or School {Character Education Resources}
“Practice Random Kindness” Word Art Freebie
Ultimate Guide to Kindness Elves
Encourage Kindness with the Wonder Books #ChooseKind
Montessori Kindness Word Art Freebie
Free Kindness Songs and Rhymes for Home or School {Character Education Resources}
Free Anti-Bullying Songs {Character Education Resources}
Free Friendship Songs and Rhymes {Character Education Resources} – Friendship is one of the core Olympic values.
Montessori-Inspired Friendship Activities
Free Songs about Virtues {with Character Education Themes and Unit Studies}
At Living Montessori Now, I have a post with lots of resources for singing peace around the world on the International Day of Peace September 21 (or before if the International Day of Peace is on a weekend).
Montessori Diversity and Inclusion Resources for Preschool Through Elementary (my post at Living Montessori Now)
You can find my anti-racism resources for parents and teachers here.
Do you have a favorite equality and peace resource?
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If you’re interested in inspiration and motivation, the best place for you will probably be the Bits of Positivity Facebook page. You’ll find lots of inspiration there from the Bits of Positivity blog and from around the Internet. For word art inspiration, be sure to follow me at the Bits of Positivity Facebook page! Thanks so much!
Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy!
Thank you for sharing this with us at #MMBH, there couldn’t be a more better time to share this. We need more peace, equality and love right now.
All the best-