I’m a real believer in the Thumper Theory.
“If you can’t say something nice . . . don’t say nothing at all.” – Thumper from the movie Bambi
I first heard of the Thumper Theory from Allison Scott, mother of Jeremy Abbot, who is a 2-time U.S. men’s figure skating champion. Allison and I live in the same city, and our kids trained at the same rink for a number of years.
In sports where there are too many online rants and criticisms of athletes, I find the Thumper Theory to be a breath of fresh air. But it doesn’t apply just to sports. Many people are calling for more online civility in general – along with more civility in real life.
One year ago today, this was posted at the Reveal Your Character site (Update: Site no longer available):
Worldwide, per second, there are approximately 28 million text messages, 700 status updates to Facebook, 600 tweets on Twitter; 1 million videos watched onto YouTube and 285 million emails. We have the wonderful, yet dangerous ability to spread ideas and information around the world quickly.
Somewhere along the line, we’ve started using those new tools as another way to be disrespectful and uncivil. And not only does it hurt people, it can ruin lives (as evident by the suicides of Phoebe Prince and Tyler Clementi).
Those numbers are much greater today. And that makes it all the more important that we take responsibility to be civil online as well as in person.
Resources to Help Kids:
It’s a Great Day to Focus on Character
What About Your Kids’ Character?
Team Bully Response Squad Facebook page
Keeping Kids Safe: Children, Mobiles and The Internet from O2.
“Say Something Nice” Inspiration
My wish is that adults and kids alike can follow the Thumper Theory both online and in real life.
Here’s a sweet example of the Thumper Theory at work in real life:
“Say Something Nice”
Here’s a post with more information about the “Say Something Nice” mission from Improv Everywhere.
“Say Something Nice” Word-Art Freebie
So, let’s all say something nice! 🙂
I have to say that I do try to live by the If you Can’t say something nice theory, but I also have to admit that I have been quilty of not following it! I do try hard and I don’t believe I have ever posted something on the internet that was hurtful in any way. Thanks for reminding us how important this theory is!
New follower on GFC from the over 40 hop.Hope you will visit my blog and also follow me. Thanks
Glo at glosews
Thanks so much for your comment, Glo! I think we’re all works in progress. It’s wonderful that you’re trying to say only positive things online! 🙂 I’ll be on my way to visit you shortly! 🙂
It boils down to how you see things. Doesn’t it? It’s easy to say something nice when you think everyone is doing the best that they can AND that everyone needs a lift sometimes. You never know who or when that is . Do you? So why not now?
Absolutely love this post!
Thanks so much for your kind comment, Betsy! I love your statement: “It’s easy to say something nice when you think everyone is doing the best that they can AND that everyone needs a lift sometimes.” 🙂
Great point. I think more people using social media sites like twitter and facebook should really take this to heart. I read so much crap on those sites every day.
Thanks so much for your comment, Cascia! It is sad to read negative things on twitter and facebook, isn’t it?! I really hope people will become more aware of the need for online civility.
Hi! I’m visiting from the Friday Follow 40 and Over Blog Hop. Your blog is awesome! I look forward to getting to know you and learning from each other! I think the idea of an over 40 blog hop is a great idea! I’m your newest follower and I’d love for you to return the favor! Thanks!!
Life Full of Laughter
Thanks for your kind words, Lisa – and thanks for following me! I’ll be visiting you soon! 🙂
Awe, what I thought was just a quick post about a cute quote turned into something amazing! This is wonderful! SO TRUE. Something I’ve definitely have learned over the years. Great stuff. We should all apply a 10 second sensorship to our lips. Oftentimes if we would all just think about what’s on it’s way out… we’d quickly realize it’s not worth the effort.
Thanks so much for your kind and insightful comment, Sheila! 10 seconds would definitely make a big difference! 🙂
Great post! It’s really amazing how a simple quote can change a person’s point of view. So I’ll end this comment by saying something nice! You’re a great and wonderful inspiration!
Thanks so much for your doubly kind comment! You made my day! 🙂
THIS IS AWESOME! I love that video! Made my day :0) And I am constantly saying this to myself and my kids – good thing to keep in mind to when always tweeting and blogging. Great post! (visiting from some girls’ website)
Thanks so much for your kind comment, Lauren! I love the inspiration that old movies often have. And I’m such a fan of Little House on the Prairie. It’s nice that there are still wonderful examples from simpler times to help us as we raise our kids. 🙂