Character Counts! Week is October 20-26 this year! This is the 31st year of Character Counts! Week … a perfect time to place extra focus on character education.
Free Worldwide Character Counts! Week Resources
Character Counts! focuses on the six pillars of character as core ethical values. Be sure to check out the free Character Counts! Week resources at the Character Counts! website. The improved Character Counts page is extra easy to navigate this year to find fun ways to be involved. The resources are wonderful for both schools and individuals. Classroom teachers, homeschoolers, and group leaders will find lots of helpful resources.
I love the “Big World Recess” inspiration from Character! Counts. It’s an online magazine focusing on positive character traits of six student athletes from around the world.
Be sure to check out my previous Character Counts! Week posts, too! You’ll find many ideas for activities and lesson plans to use next week and throughout the year.
Free Character Education Songs and Unit Studies
Character education was a major focus when I homeschooled my now-adult children, and it continues to be a major focus of mine. Over the years, I’ve published posts with hundreds of free resources. I’ve organized them here based on positive character traits. You can find them through my free songs and character education unit studies post.
Free Character-Based Quotes and Word Art Printables
I like to use character-based quotations to inspire positive character traits. I have lots and lots of best quotes posts that focus on character.
Check out my word art freebies category for many more character-based freebies. You’ll also lots of word-art inspiration at the Bits of Positivity Facebook page and on Pinterest! And much of it is character-based as well. 🙂
And I have lots and lots of character education posts of all kinds here.
Have a wonderful Character Counts! Week!
Amazon Affiliate:
Character Education Books for Kids
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If you’re interested in kid-related content, sign up for the Living Montessori Now newsletter. I share my Bits of Positivity parenting and character-education posts in the weekly Living Montessori Now newsletter along with lots of great kids’ activities and Montessori ideas from my Living Montessori Now blog. You’ll get a monthly freebie (and previous monthly freebies) with link and password if you subscribe to the Living Montessori Now weekly newsletter!
If you’re interested in inspiration and motivation, the best place for you will probably be the Bits of Positivity Facebook page. You’ll find lots of inspiration there from the Bits of Positivity blog and from around the Internet. For word art inspiration, be sure to follow me at the Bits of Positivity Facebook page and on Pinterest! Thanks so much!
Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy!
Yay – thanks for posting these ‘TeRRiFiCC’ ideas! We’re midway through our week and hosting our Hometown Heroes from the high school at a pep assembly this morning – our favorite day each year!! I’m tickled pink that you’re helping spread the word that character counts!
Thanks, Barbara! I LOVE Character Counts! … and I look forward to Character Counts! Week each year! That pep assembly sounds awesome! 🙂
I’ve not heard of character counts week but it sounds brilliant. I love the resources too.
Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase.
Thanks, Rebecca! Character Counts does some awesome work! 🙂