So, what is growth mindset, anyway? I’ve been publishing lots of growth mindset posts and resource roundups lately, especially as part of my Montessori-inspired brain and growth mindset unit. I’ve given short explanations of growth mindset. But I want to put more of the growth mindset ideas and resources together here.
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Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset
Don’t feel bad if “growth mindset” is a new term to you. Carol Dweck (the psychologist who developed the growth-mindset concept), first published Mindset: The New Psychology of Success in 2006. Here’s her definition of growth mindset: “In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.”
She talks about the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset: “Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others) have a growth mindset. They tend to achieve more than those with a more fixed mindset (those who believe their talents are innate gifts).” Carol Dweck
This infographic gives a good idea of the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and why a growth mindset is needed:
Obviously, a growth mindset is very beneficial to children in school, sports, or any task they undertake. And that’s true for adults, too.
Growth Mindset Videos
Here are some helpful videos. The first gives a general overview and the others are lectures by Carol Dweck, giving ideas of why a growth mindset is important and how to apply growth mindset concepts.
“Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset”- John Spencer
“The Power of Believing That You Can Improve” |TED Talk by Carol Dweck
“Developing a Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck”
“Carol Dweck on Perfectionism”
Helpful Growth Mindset Articles
If you’d like to read more about growth mindset, here are some especially helpful articles:
- “What Having a Growth Mindset Actually Means” by Carol Dweck at Harvard Business Review”‘
- “Carol Dweck Revisits the ‘Growth Mindset'” by Carol Dweck at Education Week
- “The Effort Effect” from Stanford Alumni
- “Resources for Teaching Growth Mindset” from Edutopia
More Growth Mindset Resources
You’ll find lots of inspiring- and character-building songs in my free growth mindset songs for kids post.
In addition to a long list of inspiring growth mindset quotes, you’ll find a number of word-art freebies (which I add to whenever I publish another one) in my best growth mindset quotes for kids and adults.
Both kids and adults can gain a lot of growth mindset inspiration from famous failures.
You’ll find some of my favorite growth mindset books in my post about the best growth mindset books for kids.
Big Life Journal site has lots and lots of amazing growth mindset resources for a variety of ages.
Big Life Journal Activity Kit is a PDF with 25 growth mindset activities for ages 4 and above. You’ll find many more great growth mindset products at Big Life Journal!
What is your favorite growth mindset resource?
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Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy! I’m also one of the coauthors of the book Learn with Play – 150+ Activities for Year-round Fun & Learning!
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