Last year, I had a couple of posts about my favorite workouts: Keeping Fit at 57 and Simple Workouts for Busy Moms and Bloggers. Today, I want to share my favorite workouts this year.
My Favorite Workouts
Like last year, I still enjoy doing a housecleaning workout for an hour each week. Now that we live in San Diego, my husband and I try to schedule walks on the beach twice each week. Along with my favorite workouts from last year, I’ve added my new favorite workouts – dance workouts with my daughter, Christina. Actually, the title of this post is a bit misleading. My very favorite workouts are dance workouts with Christina Chitwood in person! But even though I see Christina almost every day, I often like to do my workouts very early in the morning. So the YouTube dance workouts are perfect for that.
Christina is a professional dancer, Zumba instructor, and a fitness expert. She’s an amazing personal trainer, Zumba instructor, and dance instructor. She’s been all three for me, so I know. Christina has been publishing dance workouts on YouTube lately, typically once per week. Following are the dances she’s choreographed and posted on YouTube:
Dance Workouts with Christina Chitwood
Idina Menzel “Let It Go” from Frozen – Dance Workout with Christina Chitwood
Christina’s latest dance workout for “Let it Go” is one that both kids and adults can do. It has a lot of ballet moves, so it’s especially appealing to lovers of ballet or people like me who would have liked to take ballet lessons but never had the opportunity. I love that it’s a workout moms and kids can do together. It would also be fun for a kids’ birthday party or sleepover. Check out the Fitness for Kids Category at Fit Body Full Life for more dance workouts for kids and kids at heart.
You can find all Christina’s dance workouts as they’re published in her Dance Workout category at Fit Body Full Life.
I’m not a person who enjoys working out, but I LOVE doing Christina’s dance workouts. I actually look forward to them.
I hope you enjoy them, too! 🙂
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