I’ve been asked what I do to keep in shape. In my 50s, I’ve had to work harder to stay fit. But I’ve found routines that I enjoy and that work well for me.
Keeping Fit in my 50s
I was always able to maintain a fairly steady weight until I was in my early 50s when I gradually gained 10 pounds. So, I became a sort-of vegan (including eggs) five days a week. I had already been a vegetarian since age 18. I also started working out an hour three times a week in June 2006. I’m happy to say that I returned to and maintained my ideal weight (with a variation of a couple of pounds from time to time) and have worked out 3 times each week since that time. I rarely get sick, but if I do, I just do a modified workout that consists mainly of walking or other low-intensity activities.
I’m lucky that I have the perfect personal trainer … my daughter, Christina. Christina is a fitness specialist with trainings in a number of areas, so I’ve been able to experience lots of different workout options. Christina emphasizes making workouts fun (“5 Tips to Help You Get Excited about Fitness” and “What Is Your Workout Style?”). I’ve found workouts that I enjoy even though I’m not an athlete.
My Workouts
I have a daily workout that I don’t consider part of my 3 hours per week. Because I’m a blogger who sits WAAAY too many hours per week, I follow Christina’s “Workout for Bloggers and Other Computer Users.” This has helped me tremendously, and I’ve been happy with how toned my abs have been since starting to use a fit ball chair or sit on a gel fit disc when I work at the computer.
One of my three hours is a fun workout Christina designed for me. She tells about it here: “Do Zumba While Cleaning Your House.”
My other two hours are generally a mixture of Zumba DVDs (“Top 5 Ways Zumba Improves Your Performance”), Urban Rebounder DVDs, and Pilates (“Pilates – A Workout Like No Other”). When I’m really lucky, Christina and I are able to work out together (if we’re in the same city), or Christina leads a Zumba class for me via Skype. I sometimes add a bit of weightlifting, yoga postures, or other exercises to change things up a bit.
I hope you have or find a workout routine that’s fun and works for you!
Note: The photo was taken on Sunday at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. I’m wearing Ellie clothes for a review.
Activewear Resources
Update: Ellie Activewear is no longer available. (Note: The new Ellie Activewear is a different company.) You can find lots of great activewear on Amazon or recommended on ChristinaChitwood.com!
Linked to The Mommy Club Resources and Solutions at Milk and Cuddles and Crystal & Co. and Saturday Show & Tell.
Disclaimer: This post tells what worked for me. It isn’t intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem โ nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.
Wow! You look amazing Deb. Thanks for sharing your secrets.
Thanks so much for your kind comment! I especially love the workout for bloggers and Zumba housecleaning workout. They always make me feel like I have extra time in my day when I’m getting a workout while doing something else! ๐
You look amazing! What an inspiration.
Thank you so much for always sharing such awesome ideas every week over on Crystal & Co.
Check out your feature here: http://www.crystalandcomp.com/2013/06/best-mom-advice-61613/.
Thanks so much for your kind comment, Crystal! And I really appreciate your featuring my post at Mommy Club Resources and Solutions! ๐
My daughter- in-law plays ringette and both my granddaughter’s play too skating is a great way to keep fit at any age and something you can enjoy at the same time.
Thanks for your comment, Shirl! That’s so true. ๐