It’s almost time to begin the 5th annual 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge! Yay!
100 Acts of Kindness Challenge
Kristina from Toddler Approved organizes 100 Acts of Kindness weekly challenges each year from Martin Luther King Day to Valentine’s Day. Megan from Coffee Cups and Crayons is co-hosting 100 Acts of Kindness again this year.
You can get a free 100 Acts of Kindness for Kids printable at Coffee Cups and Crayons. You’ll find LOTS of great ideas on it!
You can get a free 100 Acts of Kindness Chart (with or without numbers) from Toddler Approved.
Planning to Include a Toddler in the 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge
My family has participated in the 100 Acts of Kindness Project since it started in 2011. My kids, kids-in-law, and I have all worked to place an extra emphasis on performing random acts of kindness throughout the project. This year, I plan to include my 14-month-old granddaughter, Zoey, in 100 Acts of Kindness activities.
With Zoey, I plan to keep things simple. If she does a helpful task, I’ll say something like, “Thank you for washing the table. That was kind of you.” When someone does something special for her, I’ll say something like, “That was a nice thing to do. We say thank you when someone does something kind for us.” (Note: I’m not expecting Zoey to say thank you. I’m just introducing her to the concepts of kindness and saying thank you.) We’ll also talk about any acts of kindness we’re doing.
More Ideas for 100 Acts of Kindness
If you’ve been following my blog, you know that I’ve participated in a number of different causes. You can read about them in my Making a Difference Category. You can read about my family’s involvement and get ideas of how to participate in 100 Acts of Kindness in these posts:
- Join the 100 Acts of Kindness Project (2011)
- Try a Little Kindness (2012)
- Kindness Challenge #2: Montessori-Inspired Kindness (2012)
- Montessori-Inspired 100 Acts of Kindness Project (2013)
- Kindness Project for Children and Adults of All Ages (2013)
- Operation Beautiful Meets 100 Acts of Kindness Project (2014)
- Family Fun with 100 Acts of Kindness and Operation Beautiful (2014)
Kindness Projects Pinterest Board
Please join us in the 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge!
Note: I have lots of word-art inspiration at the Bits of Positivity Facebook page and on Pinterest!
Learn more about Montessori at Home or School: How to Teach Grace and Courtesy! (It’s kind to use good manners!)
May be linked to Afterschool Express, Thoughtful Spot, The Mommy Club Resources and Solutions, Mom’s Library, A Little Bird Told Me Linky Party, The Weekly Kid’s Co-op, Homeschool Link-up, TGIF Linky Party, Preschool Corner, Ultimate Homeschool Pinterest Party, Sharing Saturday, Share It Saturday, Show-and-Share Saturday, The Sunday Showcase, Link & Learn.
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