This is the second week of the 2014 100 Acts of Kindness Project hosted by Kristina from Toddler Approved and Megan from Coffee Cups and Crayons. This week, the focus is on spreading kindness in our communities.
My family’s 100 Acts of Kindness Project fits perfectly with this week’s focus. My kids, kids-in-law, and I are focusing throughout the challenge on being extra kind to everyone we meet in our daily life. My daughter, Christina, and I have an added focus of spreading positive body-image messages through Operation Beautiful.
For our Operation Beautiful “missions,” Christina and I put “You Are Beautiful” messages on restroom mirrors using Post-it Notes. It’s often very challenging to place a Post-it Note on the restroom mirror without being seen, which adds to the fun of the project. You can read more about what we’re doing in “Operation Beautiful Meets 100 Acts of Kindness Project” and “Changing Negative Body-Image Messages to Positive Body-Image Messages.” I also have a category of 100 Acts of Kindness Project posts.
Christina on an Operation Beautiful Mission
Christina and I are committed to helping females have healthy body images, so this has been very meaningful for both of us. Check out Christina’s post on “Healthy Body Image: Appreciating Your Inner Beauty” and my roundup post on “Helping Mothers and Daughters Have Healthy Body Images.”
Note: Even though this is the second week of the 100 Acts of Kindness Project, it isn’t too late to start. And you can join Operation Beautiful at any time!
Note: I have lots of word-art inspiration at the Bits of Positivity Facebook page and on Pinterest!
Linked to The Mommy Club Resources and Solutions at Milk and Cuddles and Crystal & Co., Mom’s Library, Saturday Show & Tell.
Body image and comfort with ourselves is, sadly, a continual struggle for women. I love this idea.
When you do something kind for someone else, it makes you feel so much better yourself. If everyone would just realize and embrace that idea, we would be surrounded by random acts of kindness on a daily basis.