Here’s some word art from a quote by Dr. Terry Chitwood in his article “A Question of Heart.”
To download word art, click here, then right click on the image and choose “Save Picture As . . .”
Background Photo by Scott Rothstein.
Please “like” the Raising Figure Skaters Facebook page to wake up to an inspirational Quote of the Day in your Facebook news feed each morning!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 3 post on Apr. 06, 2011. Thanks again.
Thanks so muich for sharing my link! 🙂
Just perfect for my family at the moment!
Thanks for the encouragement.
I’m so glad to hear that, Cate! Thanks for your kind comment! 🙂
The quotes you have are wonderful. Who wouldn’t get inspired after reading them? I did take advantage of your offer and copied Alexander Graham Bell’s quote. I plan to use it in a future post of mine. Thanks so much!
Stopping by from MomLoop Friday.
Thanks, Linda! I’m so glad you’re finding the quotes useful! 🙂
Interesting quote, but then again, wounds often end up as scenes in my novels. I guess that means I’ve been turning wounds into words.
I’m now following you.
Thank you for your comment,Joyce! That is a great way to turn wounds into words. And thanks for following me! 🙂
This is also the reason I started my blog a few months ago to connect with women that are hiding or wound because of fears and tears.
That’s wonderful, Kay! What an important calling. May God bless your work.