“I’ve Never Seen a Smiling Face That Was Not Beautiful” Word-Art Freebie
By now, you probably know that I LOVE smiles and smiley faces! We have two days left of our Smile-a-Thon for the ShareASmile Project. If you’d like to join us in helping provide surgeries for cleft palate, cleft lip, and facial deformities in children, you can help now – or anytime. Just check out my post for ways you can easily make a difference.
I have a new focus on smileys and am amazed at smileys I see now that I never noticed before. That’s a good thing. Each spontaneous smiley I see brings a smile to my face and $1 more toward Operation Smile when I upload my smiley photo to the Spontaneous Smiley website.
You can search for spontaneous smileys at any age, whether you’re an empty nester (like me) taking a walk in your neighborhood or a parent with young children. I have a post with lots of smiley-inspired activities for kids: Go on a Smile Hunt with Your Child.
More smiley fun for kids: Smiley Face Crafts by Amanda at Crafts~N~Things for Kids. (There are even handprint and thumbprint crafts for a special project worth saving for future smiles!) And check out the Spontaneous Smiley posts by Elizabeth at Broken Treasures. Elizabeth organized our bloggers’ ShareASmile Project and has giveaways and more kid-related smiley fun!
Here are my favorite smile quotes and all my smile word-art freebies in one place: Best Smile Quotes.
This made me smile! Not a spontaneous smiley … just a bit of smiley fun: “World’s Largest Smiley Face” Mahwah, NJ (over 2,000 people!) June 30, 2011
Happy days! 🙂
Linked with “Get Inspired” Monday and Thought-Provoking Thursday.
Wow. What a great video!!! That made me smile & made my day… You guys are doing wonderful job by share a smile project. Keep up the good work…
Thanks for your kind comment! The ShareASmile Project has been so much fun – and I LOVE that something so simple can help kids around the world! 🙂
Smiling face can never be bad for us rather it can attract good and positive vibes…So smile always!
Thanks for your comment, Adrienne! So true! 🙂
These are great, Deb! I like how the license plate almost looks like a mustache.
Smiles are beautiful. Keep smiling!
Thanks, Grady! I had never thought about the license plate looking like a mustache … now it’s even better! 🙂
nice teamwork, perfect smile 🙂
Thanks for your comment! That was a fun video, wasn’t it?! 🙂
The best smile I’ve seen in my is, the smile from my MOM. Love you mom
I love looking for the spontaneous smiles in everyday life, and cars are definitely one place where you are guaranteed to find some! Mazda Miata’s have some of the most distinct car smiles. Everyone knows the power of a smile, and you never know if someone you pass today will need one in there life, so keep on smiling!