If you’re looking for a book that could change your life, be sure to read Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are. I already followed and loved Ann Voskamp’s blog at A Holy Experience. I already belonged to and loved her Gratitude Community. But still, the book was even better than I expected.
Ann’s honesty in describing her woundedness in the first chapter gives power and depth to the entire book … try to imagine your first memory that of your younger sister being killed in a tragic accident.
Ann’s description of that event and her two infant nephews’ deaths and her wrestling with the emotions and questions those events raised give new meaning and depth to the practice of writing down one thousand gifts … the simple process of recording the many little things for which we’re grateful.
Telling of her years of woundedness, Ann articulates many of the doubts we all have about God’s ways at times: “If it were up to me … I’d write this story differently.” And questions the simplicity of recording one thousand gifts: “Some days, ones with laundry and kids and dishes in sink, it is hard to think that the insulting ordinariness of this truly teaches the full mystery of the all most important, eucharisteo. It’s so frustratingly common – it’s offensive.”
But still, she works to “give up resentment for gratitude, gnawing anger for spilling joy…Self-focus for God-communion.” And she truly sees and experiences the life-changing power of gratitude, feels what it’s like to change her default from resentment to gratitude, learns to see God in the details of life.
And she discovers that “As long as thanks is possible, then joy is always possible.” Ann’s writing is poetic throughout the book, adding to her deeply religious message and to the love story it is … experiencing a real relationship with God and the joy that brings.
“As Long As Thanks Is Possible” Word-Art Freebie (without watermark)
Read the first chapter of One Thousand Gifts here.
I definitely need to get this!!
I think you’d love it, Sherry! The book club with the videos for each chapter is wonderful, too! Today’s video and post about chapter 4 is great – about slowing time down through attentiveness! http://www.incourage.me/2011/02/one-thousand-gifts-chapter-four.html
Thank you for the recommendation! I’ll watch for this book.
Thanks for your comment, Janet! It’s great that Zondervan offers a link (in my post) for chapter 1, so you can start as soon as you wish!
I’ve heard so much about her. I really need to look into her stuff. Thanks for the review. And Happy iFellowship Day. 🙂
Thanks, Jennifer! Ann Voskamp has so much to offer at her website/blog, too! Even the music is amazing – I actually just go to her blog and leave the music on while I write sometimes. Happy iFellowship Day to you, too!
Sounds really interesting, a topic that really helps. Thanks for the review.
Thanks for your comment, Kittie! The topic is definitely an important one. And I love that Chapter 4 (see link above for the book club video and post about it) even talks about how to slow time down – something we all need!
I’m reading that book too, and it’s fascinating! I think that first chapter should come with a warning label though; it is so very emotional to read!
Thanks for your comment, Ruth! I agree about the first chapter – and it’s even more emotional if you watch the book club video. The book club videos for chapters 1 and 5 were especially emotional. But they made the message all the more powerful.
Sounds like an incredible book! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your comment, Betsy! It is truly unique and very thought-provoking!
I’m reading that book too, and it’s fascinating! I think that first chapter is very emotional to read! Sounds really interesting, a topic that really helps. Thanks for the review.