Having an attitude of gratitude is one of the best things kids can have. Adults, too.
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Suggestions on how to raise grateful kids:
I’ve talked before about how gratitude can help families in sports: “Let Gratitude Carry You through the Competition Season.” Of course, gratitude isn’t just for sports families … an attitude of gratitude can help any kids and any family.
“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” Maya Angelou
Ann Voskamp, the author of One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, wrote a great post called “When You’re Tired of Kids Complaining: 15 Ways to Happier, Grateful Kids.” Note: The post is no longer available, but I have notes from it below.
She cited research that shows how kids benefit from an attitude of gratitude:
- Better attitudes
- More likely to achieve personal goals
- Closer relationships and greater happiness
- Better grades
- Greater energy, attentiveness, and enthusiasm
- Greater sensitivity to situations where they can be helpful and compassionate
Some of my favorite suggestions for raising grateful kids from Ann Voskamp:
- Sing around the table.
- Keep a daily gratitude journal or fill out the “7 Gifts” page. (Here’s the link to a free printable with spaces for 7 gifts each day.)
- Write thank-you notes. Have a basket of thank-you notes left out as an invitation to give thanks.
- Have your child put a sticky note on a mirror or window telling what he or she is grateful for right now.
- Have a No Complaining Day.
Ann Voskamp has many gratitude posts.
Here’s a helpful YouTube video of an interview with Dr. Christine Carter from the Greater Good Science Center on changing your kids’ attitude with gratitude.
Some of my favorite points from the video “Change Your Kids’ Attitude With Gratitude”:
Happiness is in many respects a skill that parents can teach their children, and the relationship between gratitude and happiness is really strong. – Greater Good Science Center’s Dr. Christine Carter
Christine Carter talks about giving kids a lens through gratitude glasses. She recommends practicing gratitude daily or even once a week through activities such as the following:
- Keep a gratitude journal.
- Keep a family gratitude list (post it on the refrigerator).
- Go around the table and have each person say something they’re grateful for.
- When you put your kids to bed, have them tell you three good things that happened to them or that they did during the day.
- Write gratitude letters (letters to someone who has done something for your child that has gone unthanked).
Christine Carter says that people who practice gratitude become more helpful and feel happier, stronger, more energized, and more determined.
Links to other ideas that can help your kids have an attitude of gratitude.
Just choose whichever gratitude activities work best for your family.
- Montessori Gratitude Jar
- The Blessing Jar from I Can Teach My Child
- Gratitude Tree at Blissful Kids and Gracious Rain
Gratitude Word-Art Freebie (without watermark)
The Best Gratitude Books for Kids
Free Gratitude Songs and Rhymes for Home or School
20+ Family Gratitude Activities
How to Help Your Kids Have an Attitude of Gratitude, Part 2 (November Gratitude)
Free Guided Gratitude Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
Update: Here are some more gratitude resources:
- 20+ Free Year-Round Gratitude Printables for Kids
- Free Guided Gratitude Meditations {Mindfulness Resources for Teens and Adults}
- Free Gratitude Printables and Montessori-Inspired Gratitude Activities
- Free Gratitude Do-a-Dot Phonics Printable (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
- Free Gratitude Cutting Strips (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
- The Best Gratitude Books for Kids
- Thank You for Planet Earth (or Thank You, Planet Earth) Mindfulness Cards and Booklet
- Gratitude Activities and Inspiration Pinterest Board
I have many posts about gratitude.
Do you have a favorite way to help your kids have an attitude of gratitude?
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What a lovely collection of gratitude inspiration! Thanks for the link.
Thank you for your kind comment, Launi! And thanks for the great ideas you share at your blog! 🙂
visiting from mom loop. Love your post. I blogged about gratitude this week also. It seems like a battle to keep it in front of our kids, but it is so worth it. (My gratitude post: http://jarmanfamilyblog.blogspot.com/2011/04/gratitude.html)
Thanks so much, Mary! I’m on my way to read your post! 🙂
Great post Deb! We often talk about gratitude at our house around the table at dinner. We’ll have to try some of your other ideas. Love your video, too from the Greater Good Science Center. My sister in law sent me that link. I need to go back and see it again. Mind if I share the video next week? I will of course link it back to you.
My latest blog post is about frugality @ www.zen-mama.com
Thanks, Betsy! It’s great that you talk about gratitude around the dinner table – and it’s great that you have dinner as a family! I’d love for your to share the video. It has some wonderful ideas, doesn’t it?!
Excellent post! Love this so much!!! Congratulations on instilling family values in your home. Happiness abounds when we live with an attitude of gratitude! 🙂
Thanks so much for your kind comment, Shan! Have a blessed Good Friday and Happy Easter! 🙂
Love this! This is something everyone needs to work on 365 days a year!