If you follow my blog, you know how important I feel kindness is, including kindness online. I’ve written a post called “Be Kind Online” about being kind toward everyone. I also have two “Be Kind Online” word art freebies.
Today, I want to talk about something that’s been troubling me for quite awhile. Too often, I see public figures written about online in the harshest way. While many public figures have personal problems, I think it’s important to remember that they have feelings, too. I wish everyone would simply follow the Golden Rule when writing about famous people … or anyone.
The Winter Olympics have been a prime example of too much online bashing of public figures. In general, Olympians are simply dedicated athletes who are trying to do their best in a pressure-filled situation that most of us have never experienced. Dee Toohey has an important message in her post “When did bullying of any kind become acceptable?”
Of course, there are certain times when a public figure might need something less than positive written about him or her. It’s very rare for me to write about something that isn’t positive, but I have a post about “Why Your Kids Should Know About Lance Armstrong.” The purpose of the post wasn’t to cut down Lance Armstrong but to stress the importance of using every opportunity to help our kids develop character.
Now, as Dee Toohey finished her post with a Rodney King quote: “Can’t we all just get along?”
Note: I have lots of word-art inspiration at the Bits of Positivity Facebook page and on Pinterest!
Image Credit: Photo by choreograph.
You are so right. Some people are so cruel… Especially online… It is almost like they think being online excuses them from common courtesy